
id: number

Unique identifier for the job.

createdAt: string

Creation time of the job.

type: ‘separate’

The type of inference job.

status: ‘running’ | ‘success’ | ‘error’ | ‘cancelled’

Current status of the job.

jobStartTime: string | null

Time that job was started.

jobEndTime: string | null

Time that the job ended.

vocalAudioFileUrl: string | null

Signed URL for the job’s vocal output file (expires in 4 hours).

lossyVocalAudioFileUrl: string | null

Signed URL for the job’s lossy vocal output file (expires in 4 hours).

DEPRECATED: backingAudioFileUrl: string | null

Signed URL for the job’s backing output file (expires in 4 hours). NOTE: use stemFileUrls or lossyStemFileUrls with instrument “backing” instead.

stemFileUrls: { instrument: string; url: string }[] | null

Array of dictionaries for each instrument in the separator job, where “instrument” is the name of the instrument and url is a signed URL for that instrument’s output file (expires in 4 hours).

lossyStemFileUrls: { instrument: string; url: string }[] | null

Array of dictionaries for each instrument in the separator job, where “instrument” is the name of the instrument and url is a signed URL for that instrument’s lossy output file (expires in 4 hours).