What is Kits?

Kits is an AI voice platform used by 5,000,000+ artists, creators & producers worldwide to change the voice of their content. Imagine you’re a producer and you need a female vocalist for a harmony on your track. Instead of locating, hiring, and bringing that person to a recording studio, the producer can use an AI voice clone of a female voice, and create their female harmony right from the comfort of their home.

What is Kits Earn?

Kits Earn is a way to bridge the gap the between vocalists and AI, providing passive income to vocalists who create, verify, and share digital clones of their voice for other users. With Kits Earn, when a producer downloads content created with your vocal model, you get paid.

Why should I participate in Kits Earn?

Cloning your voice with Kits has already been used to streamline collaboration between artists and producers all over the world, enabling asynchronous recording sessions and collaborations that would otherwise be impossible. Kits Earn goes one step further, not only streamlining workflows and allowing for new opportunities, but enabling you to be compensated as it happens.

We believe that Kits Earn furthers our mission of using AI to support artists & creators, not replace them. Kits Earn puts the agency back into the hands of vocalists and producers alike, participating directly in ethically-sourced AI-generated voices while receiving passive income.

Ready to start earning passive income?

Read our step-by-step guide for submitting your voice for verification and start earning passive income on Kits.

What about privacy?

While some artists use Kits Earn to help promote their name and brand, we have also designed Kits Earn to support private use cases.

  • Although releasing your voice to the Kits Verified Voice Library is the best way to get visibility, usage, and passive income, accepted voices are private by default and your voice does not need to be public if you do not want it to be.
  • Your voice model must be of your voice, but it does not need to have your name or likeness attached to it. Give your voice an anonymous name and image instead!

How does Kits Earn work?


Train and submit your voice

Kits creators can use Kits voice training to train a custom AI clone of their voice and then submit their voice to the Kits team for verfication.


Kits Team review

The Kits team reviews all voices submitted to validate that each voice belongs to the person who submitted it and is of sufficient quality to be used by artists & producers.



Verified voice models begin earning passive income immediately from users who have access to the model via email share. Verified voices are also eligible to join the Kits Verified Voice Library, where they are accessible to 5,000,000+ Kits users.

Frequently asked questions