How we evaluate voices

The Kits team thoroughly reviews and tests each voice submission under two main criteria: quality and compliance. To ensure your voice passes our tests, please ensure that:

  • The voice you submit is your own voice. We only accept voices submitted by the person who the voice belongs to.
  • The voice you submit is of high quality. Please follow our guides here for preparing high-quality datasets to train high-quality voices.

These checks are put in place to make sure that models featured in our library are ethically sourced and retain the same high-quality standards as other AI models that we host.

Submission status

After you submit your voice, it will be marked as pending. The Kits team will conduct a thorough review of your submission and either mark it as Rejected or as Approved. You will receive an email communication with your outcome.

  • If your voice is rejected, you are welcome to resubmit another attempt. Your rejection email will contain feedback specific to your submission that you’ll need to address to create a better model.
  • If your voice is approved - congratulations! Your voice is now eligible for monetization on the Kits platform.