You are not required to submit a voice in your own likeness. So long as the voice is yours, you may submit your voice anonymously.

Submitting your voice


Navigate to the Earn Page

Now that you have connected your Stripe account and trained a voice, head back to the Earn page and select Submit Voice to begin the submission process.


Select Earning Method & Publish Type

Start by selecting your earning method & your publishing type. This is your moment to decide if you want your voice to earn in public in the Verified Voices libary, in private via email share, or both. You may also select how your voice is packaged! It can use your likeness or be anonymous. Anonymous voice models are valuable for users who want to have the exposure of the Verified Voices library, but who want to remain anonymous. If you select anonymous, you don’t have to worry about the packaging. So long as your voice model is high quality, we’ll take care of branding & releasing it for you.


Select Voice

Select the voice model that you’d like to submit for review and choose the relevant categories for your voice.


Update Title, Image

Optionally update your voice’s image and title. As a reminder, you are not required to submit a voice in your own likeness. So long as the voice is yours, you may submit your voice anonymously.


Add Details

Provide a description of your model, tags, and 3 high-quality outputs from your model. The tags help us better understand your model and the audio outputs will be reviewed to ensure your model’s quality.


Social Links

Add any social media links or other links that you’d like to feature alongside your voice. This step is optional if you’d like your voice to remain anonymous.


Verify Ownership

To verify that your submitted voice belongs to you, provide a recorded response so we can evaluate that the voice you are submitting is actually you.


Agree to Terms

Lastly, agree to the Verified Voice Library terms, which are outlined in full here.

Once you have completed these steps, your voice model will be submitted for review.